Propaganda Alert

Sunday, July 17, 2005

London Bombings... an inside job?

Trying to catch up on my blogging which has been seriously neglected in the last month or so, several recent events have caught the world's attention and an alternative veiwpoint deserves mention.

London has now suffered another terrorist attack that the media immediately blamed on Al-Qaeda. Many different bloggers have taken up the task to show numerous inconsistencies with the official government version of events, and point to a great deal of evidence that suggests the London bombings were likely orchestrated and carried out by high level government inteligence agencies; namely MI-6, Mossad and/or the CIA, and that the five Muslim "suicide bombers" were patsies being set up to take the fall.

For one of the best commentaries and in-depth analyses of the real perpetrators behind the 7/7 bombings see last weeks Signs of the Times pages, starting on July 7,2005 and culminating with a downloadable podcast discussion with the editors of that informative page.


Here we go again....


Yesterday we spoke of the slow, drip, drip, drip of the Chinese water torture. It was the calm before the storm.

The "inevitable" has finally happened, the attack that has been expected against London has occurred. Were you surprised?

After all they have been setting us up for this since September 11, 2001, with the PR machine going into overdrive since Blair jumped into Bush's lap the summer prior to the invasion of Iraq. And who are they going to pin it on? Our favourite CIA asset, Osama bin Laden...


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