Propaganda Alert

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Open Independent Media is the Future of Real Democratic Journalism

Tuesday 14th June 2005 (04h56)

The following describe a potential scenario:

Using secrecy works to cover propaganda perfectly with the concept of protecting your news sources You can source a story perhaps from inside lets say the CIA and even control it from their and have players or agents from other corporations play their parts in the story and under the law you "can protect your sources" This is a wonderful form of white, grey and of black propaganda, depending on the level the agency would like to employ to insure success of the operation and the corporation agendas and politcial agendas that are behind this kind of government sponsered propaganda and Psy Ops work.

Warfare is based on secrecy. And any organization of warfare and thus politcial or social domination has at its core secrecy. So any use of secret organizations in the domain of the press is a potential to use the cloak of secrecy as a cover for covert operations requiring the influence of public opinion, because by using the freedom of the press you can publish information and drive it through the channels of news - and thus public trust - producing the needed influence to determine wars, elections, agendas of social change and a whole range of things that would be most useful to an oligarchy that would use such methods to remain in power and to continue the use of money to gain influence.

In this way consent can be manufactured and because the information is presented from a "known source" of news distribution that has been "branded in the public mind" it is the ideal vechicle to operate for propaganda purposes.

Only in a future where all events that relate to any social organization that is fully open in its knowledge management and distribution does it have a chance at acheiving actual people oriented government - like a global internet driven democracy. No secrets. Operates at light speed. And is fully open, multilanguage, and multicultural. Only in this way would I consider a "free press" actaully FREE. And without an actual free press all you have is a SHAM of a democracy.


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