Propaganda Alert

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

This discordant HAARP ain't music to my ears

I spend a good deal of time searching through the various online news sites for stories and such that I think would make good subjects for commentary on the Propaganda Alert Blog. And though I've never mentioned it before, oftentimes I am amazed at how groups of similar events tend to cluster together at various points in time.

Sometimes it will be a rash of small plane crashes, or several busloads of tourists smashing through bridge guardrails and plunging into rivers on the same day. Sometimes it will be eerily similar patterns of freaky weather in seemingly distant and unconnected places, or even a certain number of dead and wounded will keep apearing in totally different stories and from different sources.

As a researcher, I don't usually ascribe too much meaning to these anomalous but seemingly connected events other than to note their occurance as being somehow odd or abnormally coincidental, and leave it at that.

Well, I recently came across a story by Laura Knight-Jadczyk called The Canary in the Mine, which details similar strange phenomenon grouped together in time, and relates it to the possibility of the HAARP array in Alaska as somehow being connected.

Now, I don't know much about this whole HAARP deal, other than the odd news report that crosses my desk, but this article has peaked my interest for a number of reasons. The first being that it gives a good introduction as to what this HAARP array is claimed to be used for by the military people who run the thing and then compared to the claims made by conspiracy theorists who have their own ideas as to what HAARP is actually for.

According to the article, many new-age and alternative researchers claim that HAARP is NOT a sceintific device used to measure atmospheric changes, or to develop advertising billboards in space, as the military would have us believe, but is really designed to be an environmental weapon of sorts that can be directed to any area on the globe and cause any number of catastrophes such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunami's, or what have you. Now, Laura Knight-Jadczyk in her article The Canary in the Mine makes a strong case against either of these two claims as being the real reason for HAARP's existence.

She agrees that HAARP's real hidden purpose is a weapon of sorts, but not an environmental weapon as claimed by many new-age researchers, but a "psychological weapon" designed to alter human conciousness, and backs it up with much eerily circumstantial evidence that strongly suggests that many reports of anomalous phenomenon like exploding cell phones, mystery blackouts and setting off of groups of car alarms and garage door openers, among others, is all related to the use of this HAARP array upon our planet.

Correlated to these weird events are reports of groups of humans going berserk at certain times, unusual deaths, accidents, a spike in war, conflicts and protests and and even being possibly related to Arnold's election as govenor of California. While much of the article is in the speculative arena, it does make fascinating reading, to which this little report hardly does it justice. To get the full story on HAARP as described in this Blog, please follow the appropriate links.

One last thing I wanted to mention that seems significant to me, is that once and a while I tend to get extraordinarily depressed after reading through all the news stories that come into my inbox each day. Up until now I have rationalized this away as being an unfortunate but necessary side effect of truly SEEing the horrible state of the planet as it slowly slides into greater and greater levels of pain, war and chaos, and how it seems completely fruitless at times trying to make any kind of difference at all, or to even continue publishing the propaganda as I see it.

What I have now realized that this depression may indeed be related to the ramping up of HAARP frequencies on the planet, and for my own personal research, I plan to be more aware of these bouts of depression and see if they correspond at all to strange happenings on our world.

Stay tuned to this frequency, ;-)



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