Propaganda Alert

Monday, October 17, 2005

Autumn part deux


Is Bush Out of Control?

The greatest propaganda campaign and conspiracy theory this century, surely has to be the official version of 9/11, that postulates that a dozen or so cave dwelling Afghani's armed with nothing but box-cutters, highjacked four planes, infiltrating the strongest defense system on the planet.

The following story gives a major clue as to the REAL PREPETRATORS of the September 11th attacks...


By Wayne Madsen

The presence in the United States of a number of young Israelis, most of whom had specialized military and intelligence backgrounds, in the months prior to 911 is a subject that has received inadequate attention from the major U.S. media and government investigators. [...]

Al-Qaeda, a Secret Service Operation?

Leave it to an average mother, whose son died in an unnecessary war, motivated by grief and a desire to get answers, to tell the whole truth about George W. Bush.


Karl Rove's War Against Cindy Sheehan

Hypocrites and Liars By Cindy Sheehan, 08/20/05

U.S. Says Terrorists May Pose As Vagrants

Why Casey Sheehan was killed

On the Heels Of Death Threats Coming Out Of Washington, WTC Janitor Has Jersey City Apartment Burglarized

Anti-War Protesters Hateful and Ignorant

Most scientific papers are probably wrong

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Synopsis for August

In keeping with my last post. Here is another installment of important stories dealing with mainstream media propaganda that have polluted the airwaves in August.


Are We Losing or Winning The War On Terror?

A Summer of Double Super Secrecy: Fingerprints of Power

Comments here.

Pentagon to Increase Domestic Surveillance for Counterterrorism

Bush Insider Claim WTC Collapse Bogus Gets 'Huge Response' And Read By Millions Worldwide

The Neo-Shill Media
When Armageddon Gets No Press

The birth of 'mere terror'
Hiroshima wasn't uniquely wicked. It was part of a policy for the mass killing of civilians

Secret terror courts considered
Comment: At what point do we seriously begin to consider the clear parallels between what is currently happening in the UK and the US and events in Germany leading up to WWII? Using the excuse of a trumped up threat from dangerous groups that were, the NAzis claimed, seeking to sow discord in Germany society, the Nazis slowly imposed totalitarian rule on the German people. Today, Bush and Blair are using the equally bogus claim that "Islamic extremists" want to destroy Western civilisation and freedom to justify the imposition of a third Reich-sytle regimes in Britain and America, where any and all previously-held social freedoms must give way to the need to protect the people from those that our leaders claim want to take away those freedoms. Coincidentally, this "protection" involves the removal of those same social freedoms by our leaders who claim their goal is to protect them. It's a mind-job for sure, and Bush and Blair are betting on their subjects' inability to figure it out.

So tell us; how bad does it have to get before we all begin to stand up and point out the big, stinking dead elephant in the room? Remember, as it was in the case of Nazi Germany, the takeover of a previously Democratic country by a fascist cabal from within occurs in the absence of general awareness that anything untoward is happening. Precious few German citizens were able to admit to themselves the truth that was staring them in the face, being blinded by the government lies and propaganda that bombarded them daily. Those that did realise were surely only able to do so as a result of careful consideration of the facts, while at the same time dismissing any idealistic notions about what their government SHOULD be or what it would or would not do.

Terrorists Turn to the Web as Base of Operations
Comment: The web has become the only widely accessible source for real news in recent years. With the controlled media in those nations whose leaders support the war on terror - especially the major US news outlets - the masses read whatever their leaders want them to read. The internet is still relatively free and open, and with a little digging and fact-checking, one can learn volumes about the lies spread by our leaders.

Recently, we have seen a lot of talk about "al-Qaeda on the web". As we remarked previously, how many of us have actually seen these alleged terrorist web sites? The answer is most likely none of us, because we would all be too afraid to be associated with the "terrorists" who are detained indefinitely and rendered to countries like Egypt to be tortured.

Contrast these alleged sites with alternative news sites like Signs of the Times, where the reader is provided with information and news articles that can open the door into further research and verification. The reader has the possibility to discover the truth about Bush and Blair's current crusade, or at the very least to verify that we aren't just making things up. The same cannot be said for the supposed terrorist web presence that has received so much press in recent weeks. You really have to hand it to the powers that be: not only are people afraid of the idea of evil terrorists using the internet to plan attacks, but they are afraid of even attempting to verify that such terrorists exist or that they are in fact on the internet!

It seems that the whole point is to associate the internet and groups who communicate via the internet with terrorism in an effort to get an iron grip on the remaining bits and pieces of the media that remain relatively free. Censorship of the web will be accepted with open arms if it is couched in terms of "fighting the evil terrorists". Just as the Bush Reich's recent moves on the Patriot Act and the use of US troops inside the "homeland" met with little resistance despite Bush's rock-bottom ranking in the polls. We do not expect much of an uproar when the internet is effectively locked down.

If the Bush gang follows its standard operating procedure, the entire internet will not be shut down; rather, heavy censorship will be employed to maintain the illusion of the "free internet". Why else would the US want to retain such tight control of the internet's DNS servers?

US Military Plans For (Domestic) Terrorism

Authorities Getting Ready To Throw Anti-War Protestors From Bush Ranch For Trespassing

The gates of hell
Comment: Chaos. Such was the real aim of the invasion of Iraq, and it is an unqualified success. Chaos just goes to confirm the dominant view of the Arabs in the media: "they're beasts who don't appreciate democracy". We wonder what the USA would look like if an invading army had taken control.

There is an argument to be made that an invader has indeed taken control of the US: the neocons, many of whom are citizens of both the US and Israel. Why does the US so actively pursue an agenda that was so clearly written in Tel Aviv? The "Peak Oil" meme and its sister meme, "We're in Iraq for the oil", give a cover to the Israeli agenda; with Americans and their love of gas-guzzlers, the idea that "we are there for the oil" or that oil is running out, seems to make sense. Yes, there is a lot of waste. The entire US economy is structured around the car. To go anywhere if you live in towns without public transit is to be dependent upon a car. And the killing of public transit and the use of public transit as a class marker (rich people don't ride the bus) means that everyone who wants to "be" someone needs a car. Just look at how important cars are for people's sense of identity.

So it appears logical that we are running out of oil, it appears logical that "we are in Iraq for the oil", but that doesn't make it true; it only makes it the perfect alibi.

Man Arrested at Okla. Airport With Device

FBI Warns Police of Possible Terror Attack

Key General fired as nuke terror drill set for Aug 17


Comment: The right-wing talking points, slander mill is burning up important quantities of energy resources as these fossils fuel the hate machine with lies and foul shots at Cindy Sheehan, as the next few articles well document. The idea that someone would begin to question the wisdom of the elected appointed-by-God commander-in-chief is too much for the Bush hit gang.

Drudge, one of the early neocon Internet storm troopers, recounts Sheehan's statement on Iraq and Palestine as if they were a bad thing! Oh, yeah. For the loonies in charge of the US, such statements are subversive aid to the enemy.

Indeed, if Israel didn't exist and if the US was out of Iraq, there would be no more terrorism, but that only underlines that most of it, including the "suicide bombs" they tell us are delivered by Islamic fundamentalists, are the work of the US and Israel, the world champions and record breakers in false flag operations.

Soon, it'll be a crime to make such statements. People will be hauled away for giving succour to the enemy. The pundits, such as the vile-mouthed Michelle Malkin, have been laying the groundwork for such arrests by upping the rhetoric over the last few years. They are paid for this and are promoted via propaganda factories like Fox News. We recently received a copy of OutFoxed from a reader. We weren't able to stomach the entire film at one sitting such was the depth of the cesspool. Using the tricks of music videos to spin the news, Fox has found a powerful way of programming the population on a vast scale. And it is successful.

US warns of new attacks on London